Collective: Stimulating the senses

Every marketing strategy must focus on customer engagement, so to increase the connection that your brand has with your customers – think about stimulating all of the senses. In addition to visual stimulation, people respond to sound, smell, touch and taste. Some organisations do this well by creating a sales environment that stimulates the senses e.g. with the right music, sampling and demonstrations, videos, touch screens, even their own scent which reflects the brand and creates a unique and memorable space.

A great example is Nespresso retail stores. (or ‘boutiques’ as they like to call them) The staff are well versed on their products, they have a café sampling area and the interior of the store has a sense of exclusivity as soon as you enter.

By the way, Sensory Marketing does not exclude Internet businesses.

If you’re business is predominantly internet based, its just as important (if not more) to connect with your audience and stimulate all of the senses whether it’s on your actual website or with other marketing activities before and after your customers get to you.

Consider the whole sales process and how you can connect – here’s some strategies you can try:

  • Packaging – how does your product arrive to the customer? Is the packaging appealing?
  • Do you have an ‘after sales’ strategy?
  • Do you regularly change your store displays? New products on offer?
  • Create an interactive game for them to engage with on your website or an app
  • Develop a sound track of music for your store that represents your target market
  • Produce a fragrance that represents your brand – the sense of smell is closely linked to memory and is also highly emotive
  • Review your shop fit out – could the displays use a face-lift? Are they engaging and fresh
  • Create themes in store and on line for a different experience
  • Why not send your customers a little treat with their next purchase

So think about the multi-sensory experience and how your brand can improve. It’s often the little things that make a difference to your customers that will build and promote loyalty.