Collective: How to pitch to your boss

Need help getting sign off on projects and budgets? Here are a few tips to help you get over the line when pitching your next idea to your boss. The bottom line is… focus on the bottom line. Think about the ROI and how it will help achieve the overall business objectives of your organisation.
Be prepared:
- Understand the hurdles/obstacles. Anticipate the questions and objections (write a list) – be prepared with answers. Relate your project to your KPI’s
- Back it up. Use industry facts, research and data. Bring examples and supporting evidence e.g. competitor activity, market trends
- Get to the point. Less is more. Use point form, simple facts and cut to the chase. Write a proposal and then cut it back to ensure it is succinct. Leave behind a summary of key facts to reiterate your point
- Show how your project meets company objectives and will make you both look good
- Time and place. Pick your timing- based on their work load, time of day, mood or your latest win
- Refer to company mission values. Explain ROI and how this will impact the marketing plan/objectives
- So before your next pitch or project meeting, think it through by eliminating any barriers. Refer back to your KPI’s and show how this meets the criteria.
Good luck!