Collective: 8 Steps to developing your 2022 Marketing Plan

Have you started mapping out your 2022 Marketing Plan?
It’s that time of year again. Temperatures are creeping up after the cool of winter as we start to forget about the strange year that was and plan for a hopefully not so peculiar year to be.
That’s right, it’s Q4 strategic planning time and marketers around the world are heads-down-bums-up, formulating action plans for 2022.
No matter the size of your business, skipping out on Q4 planning can lead to trouble from the first day of the new year. For example, waiting until January to start planning means won’t be able to begin marketing projects until Q2. That’s a lot of important sales you might miss out on.
As the adage goes, ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail’. But thankfully, it’s the beginning of October with sufficient time to get the house in order.
Helping you stay ahead of the game.
Sidedoor are seasoned experts at helping our clients plan for the year ahead. As such, we’re providing you a simple cheat sheet in the event you’re behind the planning 8-ball, or perhaps don’t know where to start.
Below are key steps when mapping your 2022 marketing plan. If you’d like more information about our planning process or need extra support with yours, contact our team today.
- Situation Analysis
Start with the year that was, by reconciling what you achieved and did not. Important questions include: What marketing projects ran this year and how did they perform? How did sales perform? What did your competitors do that worked well? How much did you invest into marketing and was it sufficient in reaching your goals?
Based on these findings, note down new business and sales goals to focus on in 2022. These goals will help inform marketing objectives.
- Customer Journey Map
We’re probably guessing you haven’t touched this for a while, if at all. Consider your target audiences(s) and how they currently interact with your business. Is this best practice? Can they reach you on all the platforms and touchpoints they find relevant? Are your brand and company visible and accessible when it matters?
- Project Priority List
Start with what’s directly ahead of you. Q1! Your priority list includes efforts to be in launched Q1, as well as projects that have longer lead times. Warning: Campaigns promoted in Jan / Feb need to go into development by November. Chop Chop.
To download all 8 steps, click here.
Proper planning ensures your business will reap the rewards from day one of 2022 and remain focused throughout the year. If you require assistance or want more information on how to start your planning process, we are here to help. Get in touch.